Why You Should Join Roller Derby

Roller derby is an exciting game and one of the main reasons is that it is a fast-paced game. If you have seen the game, you already know how much fun it is to watch it. If you want to be part of this exciting journey, then you should join roller derby.

Super fun

The game is super fun to play. Many people are afraid of skating as they are afraid to fall and get hurt. However, once you know how to keep the balance, skating is fun. In roller derby, you must skate in every direction fast and it’s fun to do so.


When you join a roller derby club, you start a new journey as you meet a lot of people determined to achieve the same things as you. They will laugh with you and cry with you. They will understand what you are going through when you lose a competition. So, they act as the motivational forces to keep you going with your roller derby journey.


In roller derby, you are always moving, squatting, and doing other important movements that give you a total body workout. Roller derby helps to improve your coordination and core strength.

When practicing roller derby, you will be doing about 27 laps in just 5 minutes. So, imagine how much workout you will be doing. This is intense cardio and very helpful for being fit. In many clubs, you will notice that there are off-skates fitness sessions too, which include body bridges, sit-ups, and burpees.

Face challenge

It’s very challenging to participate in roller derby competitions. You have to jump over things and should be able to glide across the room. You will learn many new skills from your coach at the club. You will learn about the history of roller derby and gain theoretical knowledge about the game as well.

Build confidence

Your confidence will grow when you learn to play roller derby. You will learn new skills. You will be competing in front of a large crowd during the competition, and this will help to build up your confidence.

For these reasons, many people are now joining roller derby clubs. They do so to have a good time and participate in competitions.

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